Weekly Reflection 15th – 21st March HMM..

Found a great quote this week: “Anxiety is nothing…but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance” – Seth Godin If ever I […]

England Review 22nd – 28th February

So this evening I got back from London and after watching Chelsea get beat yesterday by Man City at stamford […]

New Video

This was actually taken back in November but it’s only now i’ve edited it and stuff. Anyway it shows some […]

Believing you will suceed will make you succeed.

So last night after watching Will Smith’s video on wisdom, I became really motivated. I have this red, mini football […]

Who Can I Be?

My ultimate goal is to be in a starting 11 spot for Chelsea FC. I want to be legendary not […]


If I keep up what I’ve been doing lately and work even harder the dream of signing a professional contract is maybe a reality. Wow.

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