Weeks Reflection 14th – 20th June [End of Season]

21 June 2010

Staying Focused on Goals

Fabiano Goal in the World Cup

It’s officially the end of the season with my club and it’s time for a little reflection.

It’s been around 9-10 months since the season started and also around the same time I started this blog. I never imagined myself going to trials in England, arranging camps, etc when I began the season. It’s crazy how fast time goes, but in the time from changing my attitude, believing, reflecting and seeing that I can make it as a professional. I’ve learnt so much and gained so much experience over the past season, wow.

Anyway, I’m not stopping yet and having a break. With Summer here I’m dedicating at least 180 hours of playing and watching for the next 9 weeks until Summer’s over and school starts again.

Although this week I admit I’ve been a little distracted. Almost every day this week, I’ve hung out with friends, as you would do if you finished school. Hanging out and chilling isn’t what it used to be a few years back, having sleepovers and watching DVD’s. This week, I’ve been constantly surrounded by alcohol, smoking and not to mention getting distracted by girls which took my focus off football a little bit. I don’t smoke ever, nor do I drink regularly, simply because of football. I don’t like to go out sometimes because your always pressured and stuff, and when you’re left out from all the fun.. it sucks. But then again, your only a kid once and I don’t want to regret things I didn’t do when I’m older. But that’s a different story.

This Week
I’ve been out with a back injury all from Tuesday – Friday. It forced me to watch football most of the week, which is why my “punishment” of 6 extra hours I was suppose to make up this week didn’t go ahead because I think that’s kind of pointless just watching all the time and not playing in combination. I did 18.5 hours of watching/playing this week, which is 1.5 hours short of what I was suppose to do, so I’m gonna have to do another 4.5 hours next week as I broke the rules. This means I have to be involved with roughly do 31 hours of footie next week. But.. I guess I deserve this.

The comprehension of my game is still improving I feel. It’s been about 6 weeks since the note taking started and now I am starting to understand the tactical side of things. I finally get what all the analysts talk about and stuff. The difficult part is getting it to translate on the pitch.

Next Week
31 hours is alot. That’s a months worth of club training crammed in a week. I only count watching a live game as 1:10 mins because there are so many starts and stops and times where I am not concentrating and stuff.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Morning PS at Pitch (1:30)
Lunch World Cup (1:10) World Cup (1:10) PS at Pitch (2:00) World Cup (1:10) World Cup (1:10)
Afternoon World Cup (1:10) World Cup (1:10) World Cup (1:10) World Cup (1:10) PS at Pitch (2:30) Personal Session (5:00) Personal Session Outside4:00)
Evening World Cup (1:10) PS at Pitch (2:00) World Cup (1:10) PS at Pitch (2:00)
Late Evening World Cup (1:10)
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In 2009, I was an average soccer player with a dream. I started this blog to document my journey from local underdog to getting offered over $100,000 in soccer scholarships, a contract to play professionally and the experience of playing in Europe.
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