Skype call with ex a-league player today

24 February 2013
Great header by Ronaldo against United

Great header by Ronaldo against United

Listening to J.Cole’s new EP Truly Yours after a interesting day. Shout out to Cole!

As I begun writing this review, I got an email from a guy called Shaun Ontong who asked straight up when the best time to contact me is. I quickly googled him and saw that he played a few years in the a-league and had trials in Europe as a teen but had to stop due to injury. Shaun is best friends with Kaz Patafta who was at one time one of the brightest young talents in Australia and played at Benfica for a few years. He too played in the a-league too, but for whatever reason injury, etc he stopped playing pro. They are both Canberra boys and contacted me to see if I wanted to help in training motivated and determined players. I think they know a little about me from when I emailed Kaz last year asking for some help. They didn’t know I was in Amsterdam though. Anyway, point is they want to help bring talent to the next level and there’s heaps of young talent in Canberra so I fully support them and wish them the best of luck with that. I already know a few names who would really benefit from that. Hopefully with the little help I gave and chat they can return the favor with a contact or something.

Today’s match I was supposed to play in was cancelled. This is the 3rd time in a row that a match has been cancelled so that fucking sucks. We had a training session instead. Speaking of training, I didn’t go to any damsko sessions this week because of some issues but I plan to go next week provided I don’t go to Berlin for a student trip.

I had a phone conversation with Moses my mentor today. He really wants to play in Australia so I am contacting a few people I know to see if they can help with that. I doubt anything will happen though with visa requirements and all. I think he gave my CV to his agent friend with contacts in England.. maybe something will come from that or maybe not.

On one week holidays from today.

Goal Journal

My Vision
Long term goals
Play professionally by end of summer 2013
Short term goals
1. be more explosive
doing this, more pullups, more pushups and core strength. 
General comment: Really focusing my workout exercises on more dynamic, explosive ones. Focus less on the arms now.
2. quicker plays
again, using squash courts and small spaces bouncing off walls pretending theres players on me 
General comment: really trying to replicate the amount of time on average you would have in the premier league for a touch and a shot.
3. Be stronger on and off ball
Last week there was an problem with aggression, I think I improved on that this week. Always pretending that there’s a man on my back or shoulder that I’m trying to fight off. I think this short term goal has been accomplished! 
General comment: This apparently was one of my biggest weaknesses and now I feel it’s turning into one of my biggest strengths. I get excited now to barge players away and shoulder charge, it’s fun!
4. Build LinkedIn network
didn’t add many contacts this week. Add more next week.
Plan & Checklist
Monday: Gym and Personal Training and match analysis
Tuesday: club training + stay behind and champions league match analysis
Wednesday: Gym and damsko session and champions league match analysis
Thursday: club training + stay behind
Friday: damsko session and gym
Sat: match analysis
Sunday – game
Do 20 hours of work! (missed 5 last week).
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In 2009, I was an average soccer player with a dream. I started this blog to document my journey from local underdog to getting offered over $100,000 in soccer scholarships, a contract to play professionally and the experience of playing in Europe.
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