nick humphries

Weekly Review 6th – 12th June 2011 [prep starts now]

13 June 2011

Having Fun

It’s 6am and I’m just watching the sunrise after a night of partying it up on the dancefloor with my best friends. The season is over, I’m kinda injured and it’s so important that I be with my friends here as much as possible before everyone moves to all different continents around the world. The bad is thing is that as a result, I’ve missed a few personal session hours (although I will never purposely miss a game or club training). That’s ok though, I don’t ever want to regret not having good times with friends.

Today me and my family are leaving to Croatia and I was going to rest the whole week, but I can’t live without playing with a football everyday. Since Friday I’ve been resting a slight strain I have around my upper hamstring/gluteal area. I want to be fully recovered so I can start preparation for trials in July and not have anything bothering me. But I just need to play, it took me two days to go crazy and have the unstoppable urge to be on the pitch with a ball! Unfortunately I still feel this injury and I’m icing it as we speak. I have a feeling I might be recovered by Wednesday, so I will start my proper preparation then.

So instead of doing absolutely nothing and resting, I will incorporate some fitness work into next weeks plan.

Usually I will punish myself if any hours from my plan are missed, but since school is over and being with friends is important, the last few weeks some hours were missed. Like I said, from next week the prep for trials begin. Not like I haven’t been preparing the last two years or so 😀 But a really focused and determined plan. This week will be some running, swimming, watching a few games. Relaxing with family but at the same time remaining focused on the tasks ahead. I will do at least 10 hours of football work. The following weeks until trials will be at least 20, if not 25. Two weeks before the trials there will be no alcohol consumed whatsover, nor will I place myself in an environment where people are smoking. Being strict to a plan, at what time I do them, a daily recovery plan, proper warming up and stretching, being in bed early, will all be apart of this.

It’s almost a quarter to 7 now, my family will be awake soon and I haven’t slept yet! I have to get in a few hours of sleep before heading off by a long car ride tomorrow.




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In 2009, I was an average soccer player with a dream. I started this blog to document my journey from local underdog to getting offered over $100,000 in soccer scholarships, a contract to play professionally and the experience of playing in Europe.
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