Weekly Review 7th – 13th Feburary 2011 “rooney’s best goal”

14 February 2011

Wayne Rooney's Best Goal (and Celebration!)

Rooney’s Best Goal
It’s strange how a few months ago, everyone was angry at Rooney because he wanted to leave, all part of the plan of getting a salary raise I’m guessing. In one moment, all that drama is gone and forgotten with probably the best goal he’ll ever score in his career. I was half asleep watching the game on sopcast, and suddenly I hear “Roooooney” and the crowd going crazy. I open my eyes and see the replay of the goal. Wow.

This week I played in two games, and went ok actually. Here are the thoughts I wrote down after the games:

Game #2 45 min 2nd half left mid
– passing and containing was good.
– time and space on the ball I was hesitant
– not confident taking on defenders.
– 1 assist from corner.
– alot of running box to box
– didn’t want the ball because I was scared of losing the ball….

Game #3 85 min left mid 4-4
– Scored one goal. The goal was very nice, straight into the inside right post from inside edge of box.
– made some good cross field runs to the right side.
– one on ones i took a touch too much, defender was always winning ball.
– was too long on the ball sometimes in tight situations and lost it.

I am starting to feel more confident playing with the guys, it’s great when I’m playing with guys who know what there doing and can play, and this has a knock on effect to when I train with my club team. I would say it’s a serious amateur mens team, or semi pro. I heard that half the players in this fourth division league will get paid up to $750 a month, so on that basis, yeah it’s good. I can only get better playing with these adults, and in the next few weeks I’ll have a better idea of how I compare and what I really need to improve on and my strengths.

 Next Week

I was going to talk about a gym plan, I should of asked people about this, but we were doing workouts in training this week. Anyway, I feel like If I started going then I would have maybe 2 x 1 hour sessions a week, I really feel like I don’t need to build extra muscle, I can compete with adults now and don’t feel outmuscled. But perhaps I need to tone up a little, and maybe this will give me an extra advantage on the pitch.

20 hours of training as usual this week, I analysed games a whole lot of the time because I needed to rest in between games. One of the disadvantages of playing regular games is that I need more recovery time and so I can’t play on my own that much!

Following the same schedule from last week.

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In 2009, I was an average soccer player with a dream. I started this blog to document my journey from local underdog to getting offered over $100,000 in soccer scholarships, a contract to play professionally and the experience of playing in Europe.
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