It was a mixed week. Good and bad. I once again slightly injured a muscle under my left butt cheek and it’s kept me out a few days this week. It’s an annoying thing that comes back sometimes. I’m gonna tape it up and put some cream on it and hopefully it won’t bother me for next week. I notice the quality of my training is better when I take two days off and come back into it. The skill that you develp really shows when your energy is full and you really want to play some football. But I can’t lower the number of times I train otherwise I will fall behind, if you’ve heard of the 10,000 hour rule, that explains why I really don’t want to fall behind. I will write about it sometime.
So anyway, an update on my future. I was getting some scholarship video footage taken with one of my coaches, an Irish dude named John. I’ve talked about him before. He mentioned to me about playing for a Finnish club that is about to get promoted to the Premier League of Finland. He was saying that his friend is the coach? or something like that and that he is always looking for players, so I could possibly go there I guess. He also said I should definently get some scholarship offers from the U.S. The final scholarship video should be done by next week and I’m pretty happy about it so far so I can’t wait to show it to everyone, especially my friends back in Australia to see my improvement, who I have to say been pretty skeptical about this whole me wanting to be a football thing.
Completed roughly 12 out of the 25 that I was suppose to complete. But injury, even for a day or two screws up the whole plan. So if this injury doesn’t choose to bug me then I will use the same schedule I had from last week. At my school there are three top quality football pitches. I’m going to start going in the mornings and training at school, because it will give me more free time in the evenings. So I guess I’ll have to start waking up at 6 – 6:30, getting to school at around 7:15 and training for an hour before class starts at 8:30. Oh, and the school have a few bags full worth of balls which I’m gonna try get permission to use, and I think having a dozen or so balls is more effective than just having one and going around having to fetch it.
Self reflection
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