queens day time!

28 April 2013
Weekly Review 22nd – 28th April 2013
It’s Wednesday and I’m writing this in the aftermath of the Amsterdam Queens Day celebrations which have taken over my life the last 48 hours.
Time to re-cooperate and write this review before I fly off to Prague tomorrow for a holiday trip! It’s the first time I’m taking a short break since I came back to Amsterdam three months ago. The month of April has been pretty uneventful – no news of new opportunities, football is slowly developing.. But everything is still up, and will be up in the air for the next few months regarding my future.
I have loved every moment of Amsterdam since day one, but next year things will change.
1) I can’t live in student housing anymore because there is a major housing shortage and I can only live in my current place for a year. If I want to have the same high of life, then I either have to find international student accommodation, a decent flat with nice roommates close to the city, or equivalent. Finding housing is a bitch apparently. Making friends and hanging out is so easy where I live now, but next year I won’t have the same access!
2) Come August, I would of lived in Amsterdam for a year already and I know what to expect pretty much.
These are just two key things I have to keep in mind when planning.
On Sunday, I played 90 minutes in the reserves against Hoogland. Played as right back because two first team players were right and left wing. I did okay though. Made 2 or 3 defensive errors, but going forward was okay and defending has really improved in terms of picking up players and tracking back. A far cry since when I first played right back for JOS in February. Anyway, we really dominated this match and won 7-2 in lovely weather and I was mostly happy with my performance.

Goal Journal

My Vision
Long term goals
Play professionally by end of summer 2013
Short term goals
1. improve my confidence on:
  • 1-on-1’s
  • Receiving with back to ball
    & become a more valuable player by..
  • Looking for more ways I can get on the ball

Repetition, repetition, repetition on the first two this week. 


2. make a real habit of scanning alot
keeping it in mind…
General comment: Not scanning enough and not making a real habit when I could really shine out of tight positions.
3. Ongoing – Find out what makes great players, great. What separates the “great” from the “good”.
“Talent hits the target no one else can hit; genius hits the target no one else can see.” – Arthur Schopenhauer [posted by tim ferris]

4. Defend better

a. communication
b. knowing who should be marking who.figuring this one out…
5. Build LinkedIn network
Added a few contacts..
6. Plan better.
I need to be more efficent about exactly what I’m going to do in my workouts, rather than just make it up as I go.
accomplished: be stronger off the ball,  quicker plays, don’t let attackers run inside, play long ball forward instead of risky passback,  be more explosive
Plan & Checklist – Did 15 hours. Next Week…
So this week is a reduced 6 hour schedule. Week after its back to normal 15.

Monday – [train in morning + gym @ usc] (2:00) (2:00)/ queens night
Tuesday – NO TRAINING / enjoy queens day!
Wednesday – After 6pm -> gym + personal training + game analysis (3:00)
Thursday – Training morning Damsko (0:50)/ fly to Prague

Saturday – NO TRAINING
Tuesday – evening training + analysis (3:00)
Wednesday (8/5) – gym and personal training (3:00)
Rest of week (15 hr schedule)
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In 2009, I was an average soccer player with a dream. I started this blog to document my journey from local underdog to getting offered over $100,000 in soccer scholarships, a contract to play professionally and the experience of playing in Europe.
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