Weekly Review 31st – 6th of January 2013 [currently in sydney!]

06 January 2013


A few weeks ago I received a message from Dejan Gabric with a request for an interview. He’s a former professional player, recently retired and played in the minor European leagues in Slovenia, Cyprus and even Albania. He’s on the Fieldoo.com team and found my website through a Google search. Fieldoo is a startup where football players and football agents connect, the difference is Fieldoo are trying to make a positive change to football. It’s got about 5,000 members signed up already and even has  investment from a Russian businessman.
Anyway we had a Skype chat because he wanted to do an interview for the Fieldoo blog. We ended up talking for a good hour on my career, the Fieldoo site, etc. He seems like a cool, fantastic guy and is all about disrupting the football industry more than money. He was in the same position as me and understands my situation. I like this guy. Anyway we keep talking and the highlight of his career was playing against Liverpool in front of 40,000 people in the Uefa Cup when Steven Gerrard captained for the first time. He swapped shirts with Harry Kewell!
He said he’ll talk to some of the agents “he can trust” to see if he can make anything happen for me and in the meantime he said that he’s free to give advice and help out. Anyway, it’s just another contact in the end, but a valuable one to have. The Fieldoo blog interview should go up soon.

Other than that, right now I’m training a few times a week with Adem at Parliament house doing sets of drills and going to the gym.

Nothing from Jordan’s end with the possible Red Bull partnership.

I’m just enjoying a few days up in Sydney now.

Personal Training Goals:
Main: Execute every aspect of game quicker. That means one-two touch as fast as possible and in tight spaces. Aim is to replicate the highest professional standard.
– Weak foot improvement

Gabric conversation notes:
– played against liverpool
– wants to disrupt the football industry
– Russian investor, looking for second round funding
– players apply for a position, fee paid (example 100-500 euro), agent gets paid, you do your own negotiations, if player gets signed the 500 euro fee is paid
– inspired by/similar to airbnb
– played in Slovenia, Albania,
– wanted to play in top 5 leagues but never did, even though his friends did
Trailed in Germany 1st/2nd Division, Middle East
Slovenia = 800 Euro per month
– he said I have the talent, it’s all there.. takes some luck
– will talk to some of his trusted contacts

Next Week
Did roughly 9 hours of work this week. I don’t think I’m going to take a week off as planned, feel better about myself when I’m working out, especially with someone else, and mental stress is caused by lack of planning. So the hour less can go towards the 10 I was supposed to take off anyway.I like this 10 hour schedule.

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In 2009, I was an average soccer player with a dream. I started this blog to document my journey from local underdog to getting offered over $100,000 in soccer scholarships, a contract to play professionally and the experience of playing in Europe.
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